Waterlily dahlias have fully double blooms characterised by broad ray florets
that are slightly involute along their length (longitudinal axis) giving a
saucer shaped appearance to the bloom. The depth should be less than half of the diameter of the bloom.

Bracken Ballerina, waterlily
The following list includes the varieties listed by the NDS in 2018.
variety |
subtype |
colour |
use |
intro |
raiser |
country |
height |
Anna Lindh |
W. |
E.G.C. |
2005 |
geerlings |
NL |
140 |
Blue Wish |
L. |
G. |
2004 |
nuland |
NL |
Bokay |
Pk. |
G.C. |
Clarke |
UK |
110 |
Bracken Ballerina |
Pk. |
E.G.C. |
1988 |
naumann |
Aus |
110 |
Bracken Lorelei |
Y.-R.Bls |
E.G. |
2004 |
Naumann |
Aus |
100 |
Cameo |
Y. |
E.G.C. |
1986 |
Tapley |
Aus |
120 |
Carolina Moon |
W.-L.Bls. |
E.G.C. |
1990 |
welch |
UK |
90 |
Carolina Wagemans |
Pk.-Y.Bls |
G. |
2001 |
geerlings |
NL |
140 |
Charlie Dimmock |
O.Bls |
E.G. |
2005 |
stock |
UK |
150 |
Christine |
Pk. |
G.C. |
1992 |
bergerhoff |
Ger |
75 |
Christopher Taylor |
R. |
G.C. |
1980 |
Taylor |
UK |
120 |
Cream Beauty |
Y. |
E.G.C. |
1992 |
Geerlings |
NL |
110 |
Creme de Cassis |
L,-Pu.Bls |
G. |
2014 |
anon |
Edwin's Sunset |
R. |
G.C. |
2010 |
woodford |
UK |
0 |
Fern Irene |
Y. |
E.G. |
1985 |
Tapley |
Aus |
135 |
Figurine |
Pk.-W.Bls. |
E.G.C. |
1982 |
Tapley |
Aus |
120 |
Garden Festival |
O.-R.Bic |
G.C. |
1992 |
Reid |
UK |
120 |
Geerling's Cupido |
O. |
G. |
1992 |
Geerlings |
NL |
90 |
Gerrie Hoek |
Pk.Bls |
E.G.C. |
1945 |
Hoek |
NL |
120 |
Glorie van Heemstede |
Y. |
E.G.C. |
1947 |
geerlings |
NL |
120 |
Gwyneth |
Br.-Y.Bls |
E.G.C. |
2005 |
jones,I |
UK |
135 |
Harriet G |
Y. |
E.G.C. |
2007 |
gott |
UK |
Hugh Mather |
O. |
G.C. |
1965 |
barron |
UK |
110 |
Joan Beecham |
O.Bls |
G. |
1990 |
beecham |
UK |
120 |
Karma Irene |
O. |
G.C. |
2006 |
Verwer |
NL |
90 |
Kate's Dream |
R. |
E.G.C. |
2012 |
geerlings |
NL |
Ken's Rarity |
Pk.-Y.Bls |
E.G.C. |
1997 |
Farquhar |
Aus |
110 |
Kilburn Glow |
R.-Y.Bls |
E.G.C. |
2012 |
hill,graham |
UK |
0 |
Kilburn Rose |
R.-Pk.Bls |
E.G.C. |
2010 |
hill,graham |
UK |
0 |
Lismore Willie |
O.Bls. |
E.G.C. |
1992 |
franklin,w |
UK |
120 |
Nepos |
W.-L.Bls. |
E.G.C. |
1958 |
Lombaert |
Bel |
110 |
Nonette |
Y.-R.Var |
G. |
1958 |
Ballego |
NL |
120 |
Olivia Marie |
O.-Y.Bls |
G.C. |
2010 |
woodford |
UK |
0 |
Pam Howden |
O.Bls |
E.C.G. |
1995 |
Davidson |
Aus |
100 |
Peace Pact |
W. |
E.G.C. |
Maarse |
NL |
110 |
Peach Brandy |
O. Bls |
G.C. |
2005 |
leijten |
NL |
110 |
Pearl of Heemstede |
Pk. |
E.G.C. |
1990 |
Geerlings |
NL |
110 |
Porcelain |
W.-L.Bls. |
G.C. |
1969 |
Crutchfield |
UK |
135 |
Rancho |
O. |
G.C. |
2003 |
turc |
F |
120 |
Red Velvet |
R.-Y.Bls. |
E.G.C. |
1962 |
clark |
Aus |
90 |
Royal Ivory |
W. |
E.G. |
1991 |
Geerlings |
NL |
120 |
Sandia Melody |
W.-L.Bls |
E.G.C. |
2007 |
boley |
0 |
Sandia Shomei |
L. |
E.G.C. |
2001 |
boley |
120 |
Sascha |
L. |
G.C. |
2002 |
geerlings |
NL |
120 |
Shep's Memory |
Br. |
E.G.C. |
2006 |
bunting |
UK |
120 |
Snowflake |
W. |
G.C. |
1933 |
kennedy,c |
Taratahi Ruby |
R. |
E.G.C. |
1990 |
frater |
NZ |
135 |
Taratahi Sunrise |
O.-Y.Bls |
E.G.C. |
2004 |
frater |
NZ |
120 |
Twiggy |
Pk.-Y.Bls. |
G.C. |
1967 |
Clarke |
UK |
120 |
Vivian Russell |
W. |
E.G.C. |
2012 |
gott |
UK |
White Ballerina |
W. |
E.G.C. |
2003 |
wilde |
NZ |
120 |
White Ballet |
W. |
G.C. |
1985 |
Geerlings |
NL |
90 |
Wildwood Marie |
Pk. Bls |
E.G.C. |
1993 |
papierski |
135 |
Yelno Enchantment |
Pk.Bls. |
G.C. |
Sharp |
UK |
120 |
Yelno Firelight |
O.Bls. |
G.C. |
Sharp |
UK |
Yelno Harmony |
Pu. |
G.C. |
Sharp |
UK |
120 |
Yelno Velvena |
R. |
G.C. |
Sharp |
UK |
135 |
(Lil.) indicates a lilliput dahlia, which is usually less than 15 inches (45cms)
in height and with flowers not normally bigger than 2 inch diameter.
(Dw.B.) indicates a dwarf bedding variety which does not normally exceed 24
inches (60cms) in height
C. indicates suitable as a cut flower, ie it has long wiry stems.
E. indictes the variety is suitable for exhibition purposes.
G. indictes suitable for general garden use.
P. indicates the variety is suitable for growing in pots or patio containers.
Some examples of Waterlilies
 Bracken Ballerina |

Kilburn Glow |
 Moray Susan |
 Nepos |
 Pam Howden |
 Porcelain |
 Sascha |
 Taratahi Ruby |

Fern Irene

Glorie van Heemstede |

Pink Jean Fairs
 Cameo |
Last updated
November 25, 2017 Top