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Semi-Cactus dahlias have fully double blooms; the ray florets are usually
pointed and revolute for more than 25% and less than 65% of their length and
broad at the base and either straight or incurving.
Medium-Flowered Semi-Cactus Dahlias have blooms usually between 6" (152mm) and
8" (203mm) in diameter

Eileen Denney, medium semi-cactus
The following list includes the varieties listed by the NDS in 2018.
variety |
subtype |
colour |
use |
intro |
raiser |
country |
height |
Allan Snowfire |
W. |
E. |
2001 |
cook,rk |
UK |
110 |
Aloha |
Y.-R. Bic. |
G. |
1986 |
Geisert |
120 |
Andrew Mitchell |
R. |
E.G. |
1995 |
Nickerson |
UK |
135 |
Ann Hammond |
W.Bls |
E. |
2015 |
branigan |
0 |
Barbara's Pastelle syn: Sunlight
Pastelle |
Y.Bls. |
E. |
1997 |
Nelson |
UK |
135 |
Barbara's Yellow |
Y. |
E. |
2006 |
gott |
UK |
Carstone Suntan |
Br. |
E.G. |
1996 |
Kidd,j |
UK |
120 |
Chimacum Topaz |
Y.-Br.Bls |
E.G. |
1996 |
smith,d&l |
Clayt's Candy |
W. |
E. |
2013 |
beale,c |
UK |
110 |
Clearview Irene |
Y. |
E.G. |
2005 |
parshall |
Clearview Tammy |
W. |
E. |
2011 |
Parshall |
0 |
Country Boy |
R. |
G. |
1994 |
Hayes |
UK |
Coxwell Moonlight |
Y. |
E. |
2000 |
Greenaway |
UK |
120 |
Cream Moonlight syn:Lauren's
Moonlight, Pim's Moonlight |
Y. |
E.G. |
2000 |
fleckney |
UK |
120 |
Danum Cream |
Y. |
G.C. |
Oscroft |
UK |
Danum Pinky |
Pk. |
G.C. |
Oscroft |
UK |
Davenport Sunlight |
Y. |
E.G.C. |
1980 |
Dunlop |
UK |
120 |
De-la-Haye |
Br.-Y.Bls. |
E. |
1983 |
Woolcock |
UK |
120 |
Eastwood Moonlight |
Y. |
E.G. |
1975 |
Sharpja |
UK |
120 |
Eastwood Star |
Y. |
E. |
1975 |
Sharpja |
UK |
Eileen Denney syn Scottish
Rhapsody |
W. |
E. |
1981 |
Kerr |
UK |
135 |
Gill's Pastelle |
W.-Pk.Bls |
E. |
1996 |
newman |
UK |
135 |
Gina Lombaert |
Pk.-Y.Bls. |
G. |
1959 |
Lombaert |
Bel |
100 |
Golden Impact |
Y. |
E.G.C. |
1989 |
Littlejohn |
UK |
135 |
Golden Symbol |
Y. |
E.G. |
1993 |
payne |
UK |
120 |
Grenidor Pastelle |
Pk.-Y.Bls. |
E. |
1988 |
Carrington |
UK |
135 |
Highwarden Cliff |
Y. |
E.G. |
1998 |
rushton |
NZ |
0 |
Hillcrest Candy |
Pk. |
E. |
2009 |
jackson |
UK |
100 |
Hillcrest Jake |
R. |
E. |
2010 |
jackson |
UK |
120 |
Jacks Pastelle |
E. |
2006 |
davey,j |
UK |
Jake's Pastelle |
W.-L.Bls |
E.G. |
2005 |
fleckney |
UK |
Kenora Sunset |
Y.-R.Bic |
E.G. |
1996 |
Leroux |
120 |
Kilburn Fiesta |
Pk.-Y.Bls |
E. |
2009 |
hill,graham |
UK |
120 |
Lauren's Moonlight syn:Coxwell
Moonlight, Pim's Moonlight |
Y. |
E.G. |
1998 |
Wagstaff |
UK |
120 |
Melanie Jane |
L.-W.Bls. |
G.C. |
trotter |
Aus |
Nancy Margaret |
W. |
E.G. |
1990 |
weekes |
UK |
Othello |
R. |
E. |
1968 |
Clarke |
UK |
Peach Delight |
Pk.-Y.Bls |
E.G.C. |
2004 |
scobie |
Aus |
100 |
Pim's Moonlight syn:Coxwell
Moonlight, Lauren's Moonlight |
Y. |
E. |
1998 |
Greenaway |
UK |
120 |
Pink Pastelle |
Pk. |
E.G.C. |
1991 |
Pashley |
UK |
135 |
Primrose Pastelle |
Y. |
E. |
2000 |
foster,r |
UK |
135 |
Pristine |
W. |
E.G. |
tapley |
Aus |
Ruskin Avenger |
Y. |
E.G. |
1978 |
Pennington |
UK |
135 |
Ruskin Bride |
W. |
E.G. |
2007 |
Pennington |
UK |
Ruskin Charlotte |
L. |
E. |
1996 |
Pennington |
UK |
90 |
Ruskin Michelle |
Pk. |
E.G. |
2006 |
pennington |
UK |
Ruskin Sunshine |
Y. |
E.G.C. |
2003 |
pennington |
UK |
Ryecroft Helen |
Y. |
E. |
2012 |
godsmark |
UK |
0 |
Scottish Rhapsody syn:Eileen
Denney |
W. |
E. |
1981 |
dunshelt |
UK |
Sorbet |
W.-Pu.Bic |
G. |
2003 |
geerlings |
NL |
130 |
Staleen Condesa |
L. |
E.G. |
2001 |
hoey |
110 |
Sunlight Pastelle syn: Barbara's
Pastelle |
Y.-Pk.Bls. |
E. |
1996 |
James |
UK |
135 |
Susan Gilliott |
Pk.-W.Bls |
E.G. |
2008 |
rogers,a |
UK |
0 |
Symbol |
O.-Br.Bls. |
E.G.C. |
1958 |
Bruidegom |
NL |
120 |
Tahiti Sunrise |
R.-Y.Bls. |
G.C. |
1975 |
Cox |
UK |
Tu Tu |
W. |
G. |
1958 |
Ensum |
UK |
110 |
Val's Candy |
L. |
E. |
2012 |
oram |
UK |
100 |
Veritable |
L.-W.Bls. |
G. |
1965 |
Ballego |
NL |
110 |
Vuurvogel |
R.-Y.Bls.-R.Bic. |
G. |
1962 |
Bruidegom |
NL |
100 |
Welcome Guest |
R. |
G.C. |
1975 |
Bruidegom |
NL |
120 |
White Moonlight |
W. |
E.G.C. |
1984 |
Mace |
UK |
120 |
White Pastelle |
W. |
E. |
1998 |
deacon |
UK |
135 |
Witteman's Superba |
R. |
G. |
1991 |
Berbee |
NL |
110 |
Wootton Impact |
Br.Bls. |
E. |
1982 |
jones,L |
UK |
135 |
Yorkie |
W. |
E.G.C. |
1997 |
Oscroft |
UK |
110 |
(Lil.) indicates a lilliput dahlia, which is usually less than 15 inches (45cms)
in height and with flowers not normally bigger than 2 inch diameter.
(Dw.B.) indicates a dwarf bedding variety which does not normally exceed 24
inches (60cms) in height
C. indicates suitable as a cut flower, ie it has long wiry stems.
E. indictes the variety is suitable for exhibition purposes.
G. indictes suitable for general garden use.
P. indicates the variety is suitable for growing in pots or patio containers.
Some examples of Medium Semi-cactus
 Chimacum Topaz |
 Golden Impact |
 Wootton Impact |

Coxwell Moonlight |
 Avoca Choctaw |

Cream Moonlight |

Peach Delight |

Eastwood Moonlight |

Ruskin Sensation |

Susan Gilliot |

Kenora Sunset |

Hillcrest Candy |

Grenidor Pastelle |

Clearview Louise |
Last updated
November 25, 2017 Top