Decorative dahlias have fully double blooms showing no disc. The ray florets
are generally broad and flat and may be involute for no more than 75% of their
length (longitudinal axis) or slightly twisted, and bluntly pointed
Medium-Flowered Decorative Dahlias have blooms usually between 6"
(152mm) and 8" (203mm) in diameter

Andrea Clark, medium decorative
Giant Decoratives
Large Decoratives Small Decoratives
Miniature Decoratives
The following list includes the varieties listed by the NDS in 2018.
variety |
subtype |
colour |
use |
intro |
raiser |
country |
height |
Alf's Mascot syn: White Charlie
Two |
W. |
E. |
2001 |
rogers,a |
UK |
Alloway Cottage |
Y.-Pk.Bls. |
E. |
1970 |
Stitt |
NZ |
135 |
Andrea Clark |
Y. |
E. |
1999 |
clark,j |
UK |
150 |
Askwith Edna |
Y.-R.Bls |
E. |
2015 |
cawkwell |
UK |
120 |
Askwith Ian |
O. |
E. |
2013 |
cawkwell |
UK |
Askwith Joan |
Y.-R.Bic |
G. |
2013 |
cawkwell |
UK |
Askwith Josephine |
W. |
E. |
2015 |
cawkwell |
UK |
140 |
Askwith Minnie |
Pk. |
E. |
2010 |
cawkwell |
UK |
0 |
Avoca Amanda |
Pk. |
E.G. |
2008 |
turrell |
UK |
0 |
Avoca Salmon |
Pk. |
E.G. |
2002 |
turrell |
UK |
105 |
B. J. Beauty |
W. |
E. |
1976 |
Clarke |
UK |
120 |
Barbarry Gateway |
Br. |
E. |
1996 |
davies,b |
UK |
110 |
Bargaly Blush |
Pk. |
E.G. |
2002 |
farley |
UK |
110 |
Berwick Wood |
Pu. |
E.G. |
1989 |
turrell |
UK |
120 |
Castle Drive |
Pk.Bls. |
E. |
1991 |
turrell |
UK |
120 |
Charlie Two syn:Mascot Maya |
Y. |
E. |
1989 |
Fuller |
UK |
120 |
Cortez Silver |
W. |
E. |
Lewis,n |
UK |
Dikara Moon |
Y. |
E.G. |
2006 |
rogers,r |
UK |
120 |
Duet |
R.-W.Bic. |
E. |
1955 |
Scott,usa |
80 |
Evelyn Foster |
W. |
E. |
1971 |
foster,c |
UK |
120 |
Formby Perfection |
L. |
E. |
1975 |
Harding |
Aus |
100 |
Hallwood Pink Satin |
Pk. |
E.G. |
2001 |
Passey |
UK |
Hillcrest Delight |
O. |
E. |
1996 |
Jackson |
UK |
120 |
Hillcrest Kismet |
Pk. |
E. |
1999 |
Jackson |
UK |
150 |
Hillcrest Trent |
Y. |
E. |
2014 |
jackson |
UK |
0 |
Inca Matchless |
Y.Bls. |
E. |
1982 |
Brookes |
UK |
120 |
Keith's Choice |
R. |
E. |
1991 |
Connell |
135 |
Lakeland Autumn |
Br.Bls |
E.G. |
2003 |
warriner |
UK |
Mascot Maya syn: Charlie Two |
Y. |
E. |
1994 |
Mellen |
UK |
120 |
Orange Keith's Choice |
O. |
E. |
1996 |
Hall |
UK |
135 |
Red Diamond |
R. |
G. |
1968 |
anon |
110 |
Rossendale Lottie |
W. |
E.G. |
2005 |
kershaw |
UK |
Rustig |
Y. |
E.G. |
1970 |
Hindry |
SA |
110 |
Ryecroft Magnum |
Y. |
E. |
2006 |
godsmark |
UK |
120 |
Scaur Swinton |
Pk. |
E. |
1998 |
wilson,e |
UK |
110 |
Suffolk Punch |
Pu. |
G. |
1975 |
Flood |
UK |
120 |
Sunshine Paul |
Y.-Pk.Bls |
E. |
1989 |
Carpenter |
UK |
Trengrove Autumn |
Br. |
E.G.C. |
1990 |
Woolcock |
UK |
110 |
Trengrove Millennium |
Y. |
E. |
2000 |
Woolcock |
UK |
120 |
Westerton Harry |
Y. |
E. |
2014 |
hodgson,g |
UK |
Westerton JWH |
Pk. |
E. |
2014 |
hodgson,g |
UK |
0 |
White Charlie Two syn: Alf's
Mascot |
W. |
E.G. |
2001 |
kinvig |
UK |
120 |
White Charlie Two (v) syn: Alf's
Mascot |
W. |
E.G. |
2002 |
vickers |
UK |
120 |
White Rustig |
W. |
E. |
1979 |
Clarke |
UK |
(Lil.) indicates a lilliput dahlia, which is usually less than 15 inches (45cms)
in height and with flowers not normally bigger than 2 inch diameter.
(Dw.B.) indicates a dwarf bedding variety which does not normally exceed 24
inches (60cms) in height
C. indicates suitable as a cut flower, ie it has long wiry stems.
E. indictes the variety is suitable for exhibition purposes.
G. indictes suitable for general garden use.
P. indicates the variety is suitable for growing in pots or patio containers.
Some other examples of medium decoratives

Charlie Two |

Edna C |

Evelyn Foster |

Geerling's Moonlight |

Hillcrest Kismet |

Kenora Moonbeam |

Mick's Peppermint |

Moonlight Sonata |

Scaur Swinton |

Thomas Edison |

Trengrove Millennium |

B J Beauty |

Avoca Amanda |

Wyn's Mystic Moonlight |

Avoca Cheyenne |
Giant Decoratives
Large Decoratives Small Decoratives
Miniature Decoratives
Last updated
January 20, 2020